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Showing posts from 2018

Happy New Year

So, 2017 was a pretty crappy year for me. Even though things picked up and started to get better I spent the year letting my anxiety get the better of me and rule my life. I’ve spent hours tossing and turning running things over in my mind that I didn’t need to be thinking about. I realized I’d started to live my life ruled by other people. I was letting people tell me who to speak to, what to do, who to be friends with. And I was closing myself off to friendships and people that I shouldn’t have done. So, I removed myself from the situation. I cut myself off from the people and relationships that were causing my anxiety to flare and I moved to Bournemouth to be with my love and I’ve found that since I moved here, although the anxiety has been there, not being around those relationships has helped. Of course, my anxiety is triggered by other things but those are things within my control. Things I can try and not let worry me until I have a panic attack or stop me sleeping. I’...